Introducing Kerio Operator 1.2

Today, Kerio announced significant enhancements to its IP PBX (VoIP) solution. Kerio Operator 1.2 is now based on Asterisk 1.8, which is the engine behind the new features in this version, and will play an even larger role in future innovation. We've also added support for analog phone lines through a Digium TDM410 card so organizations that have limited SIP connectivity can take advantage of Kerio Operator's VoIP features.

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Microsoft Windows update and Kerio Outlook Connector

Recent Microsoft Windows update KB2585542 (released on Tuesday, January 10, 2012) changes the winhttp.dll system library which is used by Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition). The update changes the data flow in a network communication over TLS (SSL) secured connection used in HTTPS communication of Kerio Outlook Connector with Kerio Connect server. This change is not compatible with Kerio Connect server.

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Web administration and why web technologies will prevail

I am sometimes asked why Kerio replaced native client administration consoles with an exclusively web administration approach, which is perhaps seen as one of the more controversial decisions we have made in the past. As web technologies continued to mature, we anticipated a wider industry trend towards shifting user interfaces to the browser. Let me give you a quick peek at Kerio's long-term web development strategy.

Several years ago we observed a few trends among our customers and in the wider market:

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